Celebrating Black Culture!

Black culture is celebrated throughout the North America but Africa as well during the #BlackHistoryMonth, in important period to recognize the accomplishments and contribution of Black Culture throughout the world.

MBarou Jojo has visited her native Goree Island near the coasts of Dakar in Senegal. She visited the house of slave and the picture above has been taken by the Statues and plaque at the "Maison des Esclaves" Memorial. The House of Slaves in the Goree Island has been built in the late 18th century and become a place of pilgrimage for many Africans and African Americans. There's been much as 15 million slaves exported from there and from which most of African American ancestry originated from. 

A collection dedicated to the Goree Island and House of Slaves to remember the past though most of the art is oriented towards African culture in all its beauty besides slavery but is a moment of African history we need to own by reminiscing this dark period of Human History. 


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Solar Power Cookers for Africa

The Seynabou Antoinette Foundation Welcoming Committee


In association with E2S2D a french non profit organisation in which MBarou is acting Vice President, 100 solar powered cookers were distributed to the community of Mont Rolland providing an  efficient, accessible and renewable source of energy for over 300 people. This will help fight deforestation and improves women health by reducing their exposure to smoke.

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Seynabou Antoinette Foundation

Creations from S.A.F workshop

The Seynabou Antoinette Foundation was created in 1995 by MBarou in the village of Mont Rolland in rural Senegal. With some modest contributions this village who was the main source of cheap child labour in Senegal has completely banned this practice which is today the great pride of all the community.

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African festival in Algiers

Article-Moudjahid-07-23-09MBarou paritcipated in the african festival held in Algiers with over 4000 participants from 52 countries in various arts. She was the delegate for Senegalese fine arts and made a distinguished appearance in a country she's very familiar with having lived there for over 16 years.

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